
Our story

Bandurića Kuća Estate Ljubuški - WhatsApp Slika 2023 10 31 u 16.05.44 56fd2e95

The story about us

You could say that we are the family to whom the estate Bandurić Kuća actually happened.

For a long time, that piece of land with a dilapidated stone house stood somehow aside. It passed through the hands of several generations and only the third decided to transform it.

The process of designing the space and building the accommodation capacity lasted for years, and in the meantime, the fourth generation of the descendants of the original owner has grown up and participates equally in the creation of the next story.

We are Marijo, Ana, Marko and Darko, a small family that dreamed big dreams while clearing the forest, buying stones, and filling the areas.

Bandurića Kuća Estate Ljubuški - bandurica kuca 2023 0245 Medium

As it was a time before the construction of the highway and long before the tourist boom in Herzegovina, many considered our venture a waste of energy and the castle.

We, on the other hand, have always looked at the bigger picture. Being people who travel often and have an accelerated pace of life, it didn’t take much for us to see the value of the place we wanted to make our home.

Herzegovina is an indescribably beautiful place, both tame and dramatic at the same time. There are so many natural beauties in a relatively few kilometers that one has to admire the inspiration God had when he created it.

We wanted to stay there. Here we wanted to combine the tradition of our ancestors and the roughness of stone with the aesthetics imposed on us through our lifestyle.

Everything was important to us and we left nothing to chance.

Shapes, colors and materials had to complement each other and every corner you looked at had to emit harmony and tranquility.

We don’t call the Bandurić house an investment, it is a companion of our family history. We spent the most beautiful moments on it, and at one point we wished that some other people, families and friends would have the opportunity to share its peace and harmony.

That’s how we opened our doors to you, who will recognize its value, enjoy its contents in the way we suggest in our blog, and who will be happy to return to it as your place of regeneration and gathering with those you love.

Bandurica House Ljubuski Aerial view of the property

Yours Marko, Darko, Ana and Mario